
Club News

Insights, latest news and more – discover how the club is helping it’s members, and see what it could do for you.

How to get a good night’s sleep

How well do you sleep? Do you drop off easily but maybe wake up in the early hours and have difficulty getting back to sleep? You’re not alone, around 1 in 3 of us have sleep problems and it’s more prevalent as we age. The problem is the more we worry about not sleeping, the […]

Free courses to help older people to build digital skills and confidence with Move it or Lose it

We’re delighted to have become an official partner of the Online Centres Network to help tackle digital exclusion by providing people with the skills and confidence they need to access digital technology. This means you’re now able to register for free online courses designed for beginners to improve their digital skills. The courses range from […]

Club members in the spotlight – Anne

This month we caught up with Move it or Lose it club member Anne Curtis who is a regular participant in club activities. Here’s what Anne had to say. Why did you join the Move it or Lose it club? I already had all the Move it or Lose it DVDs and I was delighted […]

How to improve your balance and reduce falls

As people are getting out and about again after long periods of inactivity, it seems there’s one problem troubling almost everyone – their balance has worsened and their confidence has gone too. The two seem to go hand in hand. Falls, or sometimes the fear of falling, can have a huge impact on our ability […]

Club members in the spotlight – Elizabeth

This month we caught up with MioLi club member Elizabeth Berry who, as well as being a club member, attends MioLi classes in Greenock where she is one of the most regular participants. Here’s what Elizabeth had to say. Why did you join the MioLi club? I was approached by Fiona (Move it or Lose […]

Club members in the spotlight – Pam

Why did you join the MioLi club? I came across a Facebook posting in March 2020 during lockdown and thought I’d give the exercises a try, in my bedroom. Enjoyed the videos so much that I joined the club and haven’t looked back since. Have now moved down to my kitchen, which isn’t carpeted and […]

Club members in the spotlight – Myra

This month we had a nice chat with MioLi club member Myra Wilby and asked her some questions about her life. Here’s what Myra had to say. Why did you join the MioLi club? Kim (Carter) had told me about the exercises and the club activities and I thought that being connected to a different […]

Nominate an older person to stay active, busy and connected

The Club is a safe and welcoming place for older people where they can access specially tailored exercise routines 24/7, share hobbies, learn new things and socialise. Along with exercises to help them to stay strong and independent, there’s a book club, bingo, quizzes, healthy eating tips, art classes, mindfulness and more. “This gives me […]

Creating an online community – our impact

How can you possibly create a community or feel a sense of connection when you can only see people online? That’s the question we asked ourselves and felt very dubious about how we could recreate the fun, friendship and social connection of our face-to-face classes when we launched the Move it or Lose it Club. […]

Want to dodge dementia? Join The Club!

By 2025 it is estimated that there will be over 1 million people living with dementia in the UK. Dementia is most commonly known for affecting a person’s memory however it can also lead to many other issues such as: struggles with everyday tasks, mood swings, difficulty communicating, and has even been shown to affect […]

Launch of The Move it or Lose it Club

Why have you set up an online club? We know there’s nothing quite like getting together in person to exercise and socialise. Normally tens of thousands of people would be doing just that all across the UK at our Move it or Lose it classes. With social distancing and restrictions on how many people are […]